Artificial social networks like Instagram

 Excessive Use of Technology


We are surrounded by technology. It is in our homes, our cars, and even on our flights to and from destinations all over the world. We use technology every day, but we seldom think about its effects on our relationships and social interactions. We are generally not aware of how our social media usage is negatively affecting our relationships and social interactions. Knowing the effects of technology can help us avoid the effects of technology and improve our social interactions.


Technology Distracts Us


Social media sites are great at connecting with your friends and family members, but they are not set up with the idea of connecting with total strangers. When we create a social media account, we are essentially creating a digital connection with other people. When we log onto social media, we are also using these digital devices to communicate with these people. This means that when we are on social media, we are either communicating with other people or using our devices to look for other people.


Humans Are Social Animals


In our social media-obsessed society, it is easy to feel alone when you’re missing out on the social interaction you crave. Artificial social networks like Instagram and Facebook have made it incredibly easy to keep in touch with your friends and family members, but they have also made it incredibly easy to miss out on the social interaction you crave. Humans are social animals and our desire to connect with others is not going to be reduced in any way because we are in an artificial social network. On the contrary, being connected will make us feel more social and be more eager to connect with others.




Asking yourself the questions highlighted in this article will help you better understand how technology is changing you and how you are changing with technology. You will also be better equipped to deal with the emerging social issues

caused by social media and the Internet. The good news is that these changes are enriching our lives in ways that we have never imagined.


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